Admissions for I PUC 2025 will be commencing after the 10Th Board results

Alumni Testimonials

“The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation of goodness- Dalai Lama”

Pranav Koushik

– Year/batch: 2003 (part of the first batch to pass out)

– Managing Partner/ Vice President of Sales Strategy and Business Development

“The pre-universities years for any student are some of the most formative, the career you chart, the friends you make, the lecturers you learn from…my Vidya Mandir PU college experience was exactly that and more. The institution, the faculty, their discipline, their dedication has truly left an indelible mark and even after 17+ years I yearn to look back and cherish on. Wishing every student that enters this hallowed institution the very best, can’t wait to hear all about your accomplishments, the places you go and the laurels you bring back to the college and the alumni network.“

Smaran Haridashwa R

– Batch of 2013 – 2015

“Having spent all my years of school life in Sri Vidya Mandir, continuing in Vidya Mandir for PU was my obvious choice as the campus had become my second home! My journey in VMIPUC turned out to be an excellent platform where I was able to quench my thirst for exploring the caves of learning. The numerous opportunities provided by the institution with respect to academics, sports, music and co-curricular events, coupled with constructive insights from my teachers, helped me immensely enrich my skill set.

Exceptionally talented students pouring in from various schools along with the friendly atmosphere that prevails in VM created a conducive environment where one can tap into their unexplored reservoir of talents.

The diverse exposure has been of great help in my arduous journey of qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in my first attempt ranked 13th in India.

I typed out the word arduous and by the time I came to the end of the sentence, it seemed as though I have taken 10 years to finish the course. The lessons learnt and memories made in VM would last a lifetime.”

Aishwarya A. Narayan

– Associate Lawyer, Dua Associates, Advocates & Solicitors, Bangalore

– Batch : 2010-12

“It gives me great pleasure and pride to say that I am an alumnus of Vidya Mandir Ind. Pre-University College. With an ambition to pursue law, I opted for commerce stream. The relationship between faculty and students
in the institution is very cordial, which gave me an opportunity to excel in my area of interest. The two-year journey with the institution widened my perspectives and horizon of thinking.

The atmosphere is conducive to core human values, which the institution has been instilling in its students as part of its motto. I not only progressed academically, but also made friends for lifetime. The college also gave me ample leadership opportunities which has helped me grow professionally and build my career. I thank my alma-mater for making me a better person.”

Preethi Iyer

– Brand Manager, GlaxoSmithKline Sydney

– Year of passing out: 2008

I am very proud & privileged to call myself a Vidya Mandir alumnus. I am happy to have studied at an institution where every member of the faculty and staff is truly committed to supporting the holistic education of students. The college always encouraged us to develop our skills beyond academics through extra-curricular activities – be it our intra-collegiate fest or other inter-collegiate competitions. Some of my fondest memories are from our 10-day long college trip to Rajasthan and our entire class competing together to win the ‘Surabhi’ inter-house competition in II PUC!

Our teachers also had a very open approach, and we could always go to them for advice and help. This support to balance academics with personal interests helped mold my character & has given me an advantage in my corporate career. Vidya Mandir laid a solid foundation for our life and I am forever grateful for this.

Pavithra Kannan

– Senior Hardware Engineer

– Batch: 2005-2007

VMIPUC has been the most memorable 2 years of my life!

The teachers at VMIPUC are some of the best I’ve come across, highly knowledgeable with years of experience. They’re always willing to go above and beyond their teaching duties to help you in academics, career guidance and aid you sail smoothly through these stressful two years. They strive to bring out the best in every student and continue to remain your well wishers for life!

What’s unique about the institution is the importance given to extracurricular activities while ensuring academic excellence. It’s not “all work and no play”, there’s ample opportunity given to showcasing and expanding all your skills, leading to a wholesome PUC experience.

I have lost count of the number of juniors I had recommended, to choose VMIPUC for their PU education, and I’m sure they would all agree with me that they made the right decision in doing so.I couldn’t have imagined being a part of a better educational institution, for these crucial years of life!

Roll Of Honour