Admissions for I PUC 2025 will be commencing after the 10Th Board results

Annual Day - 2022

” Celebrations – the essence of life”

The college celebrates its ‘Annual Day’ in the month of November. We consider it a responsibility to use theatre art to spread the message of the need to uphold our culture and heritage. Some of the mythological depictions and English plays that have been staged over the years have been the talk of the town.

College Magazine Release

‘Vidyothana’ – The college magazine is a proud acknowledgement of the achievements of our students. It also provides opportunities to our students to showcase their skills. The magazine is an effort of the collective contribution and the creativity of the students who believe in the power of knowledge. The magazine is released every year during the ‘Annual Day’ event by our esteemed chief guest, Mrs. N.Leelavathi.

Annual Day - 2023

The Annual Day was held on 24 November,2023 at Chowdiah Memorial Hall. Mr. Jayasimha B S Senior Director IT, DocuSign presided over the function as our Chief Guest. Merit prizes were awarded to the toppers in the First and Second PU Board Examination 2023. It was a grand display of talent as the students put up a spectacular variety entertainment program.

The dance drama based on the philosophy of pure 'bakthi', the enchanting music rendition and the English Play which was an adaptation of the classic "12 Angry Men" bore testimony to the huge creative talent that the college possesses. The college magazine Vidyothana was released by the honourable chief guest and our respected Secretary.